Bubbles are absolutely popular and magical to both young children and adults alike. It is the perfect activity for young kids when they’re in a garden or just enjoying the park. There’s so much more you could do with them! Bubbles can be used to make fascinating crafts, beautiful art decorations, and even fun experiments!
On top of that, bubble exercises are suitable for children of all ages! Ginormous bubbles and fun bubble experiments can make older children think and get excited! Have fun and lose your breath with these following incredible bubble activities for bubbly learning!
Great Preschool Bubble Activities
Add some rainbow colors perfect for summer with this bubble exercise!
Creating soap bubbles is a fun-filled physical activity that you can do with children ages 4-7.
When you do the exercise, you can fill up your container with colorful foam just by having 2-3 primary colors. In addition, you can turn this into a color-mixing activity while kids are having fun, swirling and mixing a huge amount of colorful fun soap foam!
Through this activity, children can easily train their sense of touch and reinforce their fine motor abilities. Likewise, it can boost their capacity to identify different colors!
Take note that if the kids have sensitive skin, you can alternate bubble bath instead of dish soap. Furthermore, this is not recommended for very young kids who might put soap in their mouths and eyes.
You can have your own tub of colorful foam with just a few materials such as:
- 2 Tbsp of dish soap
- 1/4 cup water
- Mixer
- Food coloring or liquid watercolors
Begin by allowing the kids to put 1/4 cup of water, food coloring, and 2 tbsp of dish soap in a container. Mix it for them for just a couple of minutes on a high setting to achieve stiff peaks like a meringue. Next, have the kids scoop it and transfer it to another container. Be sure to avoid getting the foam soap in their eyes. Repeat the process until they have filled the tub with enough colorful foam!
To get further details about the colorful soap bubbles activity, you should visit funathomewithkids.com.
A bubble-blowing activity with bubble printing provides a wonderful opportunity for children to be free and wild while creating beautiful art!
This is an excellent outdoor art activity for spring and summer intended for children aged 4-6.
Moreover, kids can learn visually and physically, while strengthening their creative side, as well as improving their color recognition ability.
The blowing process of the bubble in itself is a fantastic activity for children! But be reminded that you should keep your eyes on the kids while doing this fun task with them!
To do the bubble butterflies art, you should gather items like:
- Bubble solution
- Liquid watercolors or food coloring
- Straws
- Your dried bubble paper
- Butterfly wings template
- Buttons and string
- Small googly eyes
To make the bubble paper, have the kids blow the bubble solution using a straw until they form an overflowing mountain of bubbles. Remove the straw and place the paper carefully on top of the bubbles. Repeat the process in different colors to create beautiful bubble art.
Now, let’s move on to making the butterfly art itself. Trace and let the kids cut the template from the back of their bubble paper art. Then, glue white strings (for the antenna), a button (for the butterfly body), and googly eyes (for the butterfly eyes).
Once it’s dry up, children can now play with their own colorful bubble butterfly art. Let the butterfly flutter inside the house!
To make the fun bubble butterflies art craft possible, you can have more information at redtedart.com. You may also want to check out more butterfly-inspired activities here!
Uplift kids’ spirits with some imaginative play outdoors!
The bouncy giant bubbles activity is an awesome way for kids four to eight years of age to further enjoy the summertime! Kids learn physically while enriching their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills with this perfect bubble activity.
However, remember that this outside exercise is only possible with some fun gloves. Gloves make the bubbles bounce because the oil in the hand breaks the surface tension.
Note that if the solution is thin, you can try again just by adding more soap!
To make fun giant bubbles, you need items such as:
- 4 Tbsp water
- 2 Tbsp sugar
- 1 Tbsp dish soap
- Soft winter gloves
- Bubble wands
To do the activity, have the kids mix the ingredients for the bubble solution. Once it’s perfectly mixed, you can now enjoy blowing bubbles!
Gently blow the bubbles and softly bounce them using the hands. You can show the kids how it’s done, then have them take the lead to make their own one.
On the other hand, if you want to make a giant one, use a lot of soap. Be sure to also blow gently to avoid popping the bubbles.
The key to this activity is to experiment with different mixtures so that you can make the biggest bubble ever!
Be creative and make bouncy giant bubbles, check out alittlepinchofperfect.com for more details.
Kids love playing with bubbles, especially colorful ones! They love to catch and pop them as they fall down.
The rainbow bubble snakes activity is a delightful way for children to fully comprehend colors. Surely, this stimulates the development of their fine motor skills while relishing the summer air! Plus, this is both visual and physical activity that can be done perfectly outside! It is suited for children ages three to seven.
Note that before doing the activity, you must prepare the kids how to properly blow out. Kids may suck in dangerous bubble solutions. Besides, be mindful that food coloring might stain clothes.
To complete this task, you must have the following materials:
- Pool noodle pieces or a plastic water bottle
- A sock
- Rubber band
- Scissors
- Dish soap (or bubble solution)
- Food coloring (optional)
To begin making the bubble snake, cut the sock and secure it onto the bottle or pool noodle with an elastic band. Next, have the kids dip the sock in the bubble solution and blow!
You can even make your bubble solution using a baby bubble bath or dish soap added with some water.
Related to this, there are other outdoor activities you could do with the kids. You may find them at toddlerapproved.com.
Putting together a wonderful art and craft project for youngsters can be a great chance for them to know more about specific subjects like science.
Making the Perfect Bubble Tower activity is an excellent way for kids aged 4-8 to easily reinforce their science knowledge and coordination. This physical outdoor activity is best in the winter air!
Remember that to entirely crystallize bubbles, the temperature needs to be at least 14F. Also, make sure that there’s no wind because it can rupture and break the bubbles. Furthermore, have a soft landing place for bubbles to avoid breakage.
For this winter task, you will need certain supplies which are:
- Bowl and spoon
- 200 mL warm water
- 2.5 Tbsp corn syrup and 2 Tbsp sugar
- 2.5 Tbsp dish soap
- 1 straw and 1 water bottle
- modeling clay or playdough
First, you need to make a special bubble solution by having kids mix corn syrup, sugar, dish soap, and tap water together in a bowl. Then, build the extraordinary bubble wand by drilling a hole in the bottle cap and securing the straw through it using modeling clay to seal it.
To create the bubble tower, you need to keep the bubble solution thick by adding enough corn syrup. Also, you have to chill the bubble juice closer to the temperature outside.
Now, have fun and help the kids stack a magical tower of bubbles!
Visit steampoweredfamily.com to have more details about the perfect bubble tower and get other ideas.
Everyone has a dream of making giant bubbles!
This magical giant bubbles task is appropriate for those windy days. Kids will surely love creating the biggest bubbles while improving their fine motor skills.
Besides, youngsters can learn physically outdoors while fully expressing their creative side. Also, it is proper for kids three to eight.
For you to execute the task, put the solution in a shallow wide container and let the wand wholly submerge.
Take note that kids can keep their hands in the air and walk backward slowly to create the biggest bubble ever!
To create your own magical giant bubbles, you will require the following:
- 6 cups water
- 1/2 cup blue dish detergent
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1 Tbsp baking powder
- 1 Tbsp Glycerine
- A giant bubble wand
To make gigantic bubbles, the trick is in the wand. Get two lengthy sticks, loop a long yarn through them and tie it together.
Make the bubble juice by letting the kids stir the cornstarch and the other ingredients in a shallow large container. Let the mixture sit for an hour while constantly mixing it to make sure that the cornstarch is fully mixed in. Now, kids can submerge their wand in the bubble mixture and create the biggest bubble in the world!
For more craft ideas perfect for young children, go to https://happyhooligans.ca.
Incorporating science in a craft activity is a must since kids retain most of their learning with this teaching technique.
The write-with-bubble shooter encourages the kids to comprehend science while perfectly extending their growth in certain fields such as pre-reading skills and hand-eye coordination.
Through this, kids can learn basic words by writing letters.
The activity is excellent to do in summer and spring for children aged three to five.
Remember that you can teach how the bubbles are made and the science behind them. Including how the air pressure forms the bubbles and all that!
Moreover, you can make it a building project by constructing this without any manual. With this, kids will surely take out their competitive side to win.
To make the bubble plaything, you should get:
- 1 rubber band
- 1 large balloon
- 1 pan of soapy water
Start by having kids disassemble the pen, and let them take the pen tube and tip. Then, to make the bubble writer, you can secure a balloon with an elastic band at the other end of the pen. Now, have the kids blow up the balloon and keep the air inside by twisting it, and place the tip back on the pen.
In the water with soap, have fun with the kids, write letters and draw smiley faces, or whatever they want!
To better understand the bubble shooter craft, do visit teachbesideme.com.
Spring and summer are good seasons to create with children. There are suns, flowers, and also bubbles everywhere!
This is a remarkable physical and visual activity for youngsters to learn more about science and shapes while actively enhancing their fine motor skills. The 3D bubble wand craft is perfect for kids aged three to five.
The craft can definitely spark curiosity in children. You can ask them what shape of bubbles will come out of the made geometric wand. Some young kids will say it’s the same form as the bubble wand. But no, eventually the kids will comprehend that there is only one shape of bubbles, and it’s because of surface tension.
When doing the activity, encourage them to ask questions because science with young children is about self-discovery and exploration!
To make the craft, begin by gathering items such as:
- Pipe cleaners
- Bubble solution
- Shallow pan
- 1/2 cup of light corn syrup
- 1 cup of dawn dish soap
- 3 cups of water
To make the bubble solution, mix all the ingredients in a jar. Then, encourage your kids to use pipe cleaners to form 3D-shaped bubble wands into their desired structure. You can suggest some shapes or forms, but let them do the rest of the craft.
Explore littlebinsforlittlehands.com to read more about the 3D bubble wand craft activity. You could also find a variety of other projects to incorporate into your own class!
Creating this exciting soap-free bubble art activity is a fun method for children ages two to six to further enjoy their summer season! Plus, it will greatly develop their fine motor skill and color recognition ability while being creative at the same time.
These prints may not turn out as good as those made with soap in previous similar activities but it will still provide plenty of fun. On a positive note, if the kids take a sip of a solution, rest assured that there will be no harm done!
For this bubble art craft, you should get materials like:
- Shallow containers
- Food coloring
- Straws
- White paper
- Trays
- Milk
This fun task is effortless to do, with just a bit of food coloring and milk, you can now create a safe and colorful art activity that the kids will truly love.
After mixing all the necessary ingredients, have your kids blow the mixture to get a huge mountain of bubbles! Now, let the kids place the paper on top of the bubbles (transferring the vivid colors of bubbles in the paper).
More details on this soap-free bubble art activity may be found at housingaforest.com.
Having the kids use their senses in the activity will definitely enrich and develop them even further.
This summer season, have fun and create this slime bubble with your young kids!
It is developmentally perfect for youngsters aged 4-7 which will easily enhance their sensory, coordination, and fine motor skill!
In addition, the blowing process is mess-free, just simply wipe it and you’re good to go! Indeed, it is slimy, stretchy, amazing, and fun to do. Plus, it is made with washable glue which can easily come out if there’s any residue left on the clothes.
To create this fun slime bubbles activity, you need the following:
- A batch of slime
- Straw
First, make a batch of slime following the instructions on the site. To perform the task, have your kids insert a straw in the ball of slime, fully enclosing its one tip with slime. Then, let your kids have fun and start blowing! While doing the activity, make sure that your kids hold the straw and the slime tightly so the air will all go inside the slime bubble ball.
You may get more information about the slime bubbles activity at 123homeschool4me.com.
Allowing preschoolers to play with bubbles, learn with bubbles, and also conduct bubble fun experiments will absolutely optimize their understanding of shapes, patterns, and colors while developing their creativity, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills! Further, this list will surely help promote new skills that are necessary for young growing children.
Keep in mind that the key to making these bubbly activities successful is to experiment with different mixtures, allowing you to create fun little bubbles and even magical giant ones!
Come back for more entertaining themed activities for preschoolers!
People Also Ask
Bubbles are captivating and appealing to both adults and youngsters. They are also extremely fragile and fleeting. The science of bubbles is quite fascinating.
When the air, such as the air we breathe, becomes trapped on the inside of the bubble solution, a bubble forms. Each bubble has three main layers. A thin water layer is sandwiched in between the two thin soap layers. These two soap layers work together to keep the air inside, thus forming bubbles.
To help young kids understand it more, you can explain it through a simple drawing that includes the three main layers of bubbles: the inner soap layer, the water layer, and the outer thin layer of soap.
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